Ahad, 29 Mac 2009

5 "S" and Kak Long's birthday

5 "S"

When I was working with a Japanese firm (17 painful yet educative years) we were always forced to practice 5"S". I was not convinced initially but as time went by, I saw it gave good result, improved my attitude and working efficiency.

Let me see whether I can still remember 5S in Japanese or its translation 5C in English....

5"S" Japanese -------> 5"C" English
1) Seiri ----------------->Clear Out and Classify
2) Seiton --------------->Configure
3) Seiso ---------------->Clean and Check
4) Seiketsu ------------->Conformity
5) Shitsuke ------------->Custom and Practice

It sound so simple...... beleive me, very difficult to put in practice! It took years to really understand and get it fully implemented in our office!!!!

Last weekend, I went to HKL and saw this photo.... Really hope it will be put into practice!!! Love to see it one day!!!
I snapped this photo when I was paying a visit to my eldest sister, kaklong with one of my friends.

We were also there to celebrate kak long's 52nd birthday which was on 27th. March 2009.

My friend took all the trouble to get something for kak long. Nothing much except for a few cup cakes and books as birthday present, but hey...... it is the thought that counts!!!!!

Happy birthday kak long and thanks a million to my friend!!!!

5 ulasan:

Unknown berkata...

U amik gambar cupcakes ker U amik gambar tetek kawan U tuh?


Hidup KOKA berkata...

Aduyai... Verse....

Betul... I amik gambo cupcakes...

Tiada niat ku nak menyimpang!!!! Tapi kalau dah "Tersimpang"... nak wat camane...

Tak baik tau tuduh I yang bukan bukan!!!!

DrSam berkata...

5 s atau 10 s semuanya baik belaka jika dihayati dan diamalkan dengan tekun.

p/s: aku tergelak besar baca komen VersedAnggerik (dan terbayang muka kamu yang merah padam). You really make my day!

GeNeRaSi MaLaYSia berkata...

ni kalu dipraktikkan jenuh gk ni..ad 15 S..hohoho...

Hidup KOKA berkata...

Dr Sam...... Muka aku merah padam satu hari suntuk hari tu.....

Generasi Malaysia.... memang susah nak praktikkan, tapi bila dah praktik, ia nya sangat menguntungkan!