Isnin, 15 Disember 2008

Things that I observed and Good News

I was stuck in a lengthy meeting today. It started from 9.30am and dragged until maghrib prayer. We even took lunch in our conference room and took short breaks for zuhur and asar prayer. It was all about annual increment and salary adjustment. We, the senior management team need to look into every angle before making any decision. We need to look at next year’s projected profit, current employees’ salary, current market’s trend, length of service, critical skill incentives etc. We even discussed at length for every employee’s salary and just imagine, we need to go through about 800 employees! That is a tough job!!!

Our Financial Controller was busy calculating maximum amount we can increase, Human Resource DGM was doing his best to convince us to adjust everybody’s salary, Cooperate Affair’s Manager was busy looking at current company’s and Cooperate’s salary policy, Regional Heads were pushing for their staffs salary adjustment and me….., I was busy setting up critical allowances for technical personnel.

The whole team was cracking their brain…. It than striked to my mind!!!! Why are these people working so hard to look into other employee’s salary adjustment and increment without even care their own share? Well, it is their job, it is true …… but the way they are thinking and throwing ideas really amazed me!!! These are the people who were cursed and talked about by their subordinates all year long, but yet they were there to fight for their subordinates benefit!!! That is what really amazed me!!

This action showed their sincerity and love for their subordinates. They even sacrifice part of their increment share and pass the chunk to their subordinate!!! Can you believe that? There are still good people on this planet now days who are good at heart!!!!!

To The Senior Management team…… I solute you. May Allah reward all of you and put you on the highest level of paradise………….. Amien!

At about five o’clock, I received a phone call from my friend, Jehan. She has been calling me a few times during the day, unfortunately I had to cut the conversation short… I was stuck in the meeting !!!( I hope she will forgive me for that…..). I heard her happy and joyful voice while saying…. I got straight A’s for both subjects!!!!!!

Alhamdullilah….. all praises due to the Almighty Allah!!!! She made it!!!! I am so happy for her!!! Well, she has been so hardworking for her masters…… She had to sacrifice her good times with the kids during the weekend, spend lots of money on school fees, petrol and not counting the pain staying up overnight revising all those materials!!!!! Congratulation Jehan…… you deserve it!!!!

Allah the Almighty had gave you a strong will to go through the hardship during studies, make it easy on your exams, fulfill the prayers of you parents and yourself……….. Alhamdullilah!!!! Your parents must be really proud of you!!!!

I had always admired people who have the strength and courage to continue studies while working… There are a lot of virtues for those who leave their homes to seek knowledge. It was in a book, Muntakhab Ahadith, compiled by Madzrat Maulana Muhammad Yusuff Al-Kandahlawi on saying the virtues of seeking knowledge. It is stated as below:

“Abu Darda (May Al-Mighty Allah be pleased with him) narrates: I heard that Rasulullah (Please of Almighty Allah be upon him) said: Those who step on his/ her foot towards seeking knowledge, Allah the Great will show him/her one of the ways towards paradise, which means that his/her knowledge and expertise will be the reason for him/her to enter paradise. The Angels will spread their wings due to their admiration on a person seeking knowledge. Those creations in the heaven, on the earth and fishes inside the sea will pray for his/her forgiveness. Truly, the superiority between the learned and worshipper is like the superiority of full moon’s brightness compared to the stars. Truly, the Prophets of Allah did not leave treasure like dirhams and dinars, but they leave knowledge!!!! Therefore for those look for this treasure (knowledge) will gain big benefits.”

See….. That is why I always feel jealous on those people who have the urge and strength to continue their studies.

As for my friend Jehan, May Allah the Benevolent reward you on your effort in seeking knowledge, make it easy on your future studies and give you success in this life and hereafter. Amien……..

4 ulasan:

Unknown berkata...


tenkiu, tenkiu!

Hidup KOKA berkata...

No problem....
Don't mention!!!

Hazrey berkata...

Bro KOKA (whatever that means.. hehe):

I couldnt agree more about your entry ni, especially in seeking knowledge. This is a true fact yang the current journalist tak pernah tuntut.

Ilmu. Ilmu bukan sekadar kita belajar di IPT atau IPTA bro. From what I read, you have the quality of a knowledge person, meaning, you learn about life and its ups and downs.

All the best bro!

Hidup KOKA berkata...

Thanks for the comment. Apart from the relgious virues in seeking knowledge, we must use those acquired knowledge for the benefits for creations of Allah. Thanks for dropping by!